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Regenerative Acoustic Boards

Grown using mycelium and upcycled plant fibers.
CO2-negative, circular and decorative acoustic solution for walls and ceilings.

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CO2 storage

The plants’ storage of CO2 is combined with a very low energy consumption in production.


Mycelium replaces cement and plastic as binder, is 100 % biodegradable, and produces zero waste.

Noise absorbing

A high level of sound absorption reduces noise and increases speech recognition.

indoor climate

Without harmful and toxic compounds.

Unique design

Our products are designed with a natural aesthetic found in plant parts.

A regenerative solution.
They support a sustainable society based on renewable and recyclable resources.

Nature Board ApS’ products are created through a natural process
where mycelium and hemp grow together inside a form for a panel.



Mycelium is a microorganism that grows everywhere beneath our feet. It is a branchlike root system that can grow to stretch many kilometres. Mycelium is among nature’s oldest growth, seeing as mycelium has undergone billions of years of evolution.

Long before we humans came along, mycelium was here. It created the entire foundation for flora/plant growth and moved life out of the sea. This ancient organism plays a highly central part for life to exist and thrive on Earth.

Along with bacteria, fungi are responsible for decomposing organic matter.

Fungi are more animal than plant but is in fact neither. Fungi metabolise organic matter and transfer the nutrients and minerals such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus back into the soil and plants in our ecosystems, thus eliminating the concept of waste in nature.

At Naturpladen (Nature Board), we see the engineering and implementation of this ancient technology as one of the actions needed for a sustainable future on the planet. Imagine if we could shift our resource perspective from limited to abundant when designing our buildings.

Imagine, if we didn’t have to fight for resources to build the future. If the destruction of ecosystems and biodiversity loss weren’t consequences. As an industry, we need to move towards creating buildings that improve the planet and the biosphere, that we’re all a part of and dependent on. Biological materials that are created by growing mycelium-forming fungal microorganisms on natural fibres can form a solution. By using mycelium to bid organic waste into a biocomposite building material, it enables many clear benefits:

  • Mycelium can replace plastic and cement as a binding agent, reducing the CO2 footprint and waste immensely. Therefore, CO2 reduction effects is doubled as non-sustainable materials are subsidising and biogenic carbon is locked into our buildings.

  • Abundant organic waste streams, such as agricultural waste, often destined for decomposition or incineration, can be valorised and upcycled into products of high value that are biodegradable at the end or their life cycle.

  • Mycelium is porous and lightweight and stronger compared to concrete compared in weight. This means that a broad range of products can be made, from insulation to acoustic panels to hard boards and structural elements.



Hemp is one of the world’s oldest and most useful plants. From hemp, you can harvest oil filled seeds – the stalk has many uses, from animal fodder, rope, clothes, hygiene products, cosmetics, to buildings.

Hemp fibres are very strong and have a higher level of cellulose than wood. The plant is also fast-growing as opposed to wood. Hemp is CO2 reducing and pests don’t care much for the basic hemp mass.